Monday, October 3, 2016


If you are in ANY large hotel sales department, reading about Wells Fargo's illegal scandal of phony tactics, you're probably laughing up your sleeve this morning.
    Seems as if the Congress has discovered the banking boys have FORCED unreasonably high sales quotas on the bank sales people that they have opened millions of phoney accounts in order to reach those goals.
    Imagine that, eh?  Phonating up paperwork (and moving around $$) to cover your quota, just to keep your job?  (who'd a thought?)
    Hotel sales departments have been doing this for DECADES. Stockholders scream for more dough, they pressure the CEO and the Board of Directors. they in turn make it known to the sales troops - 33% increase next year OR, YOU'RE OUT OF A JOB.
    Never mind that an audit of the competition shows a 5 to an 8% increase!! WE WANT 33. Your bosses have a long list of ex-employees at the unemployment lines to prove it.
    What happened at Wells Fargo as a result?  They fired all the sales people who did this I could have fore-told this. Wells had a whistle blower. Now, I'm suggesting that the Hotel business needs one, too
    If it did, there may be a possibility that costs to the hotel AND GUESTS could go down.

1 comment:

  1. Twenty five years and advancing old age can change a point of view...mine for instance. At one point, your children are the most precious things in your life. You live, work your fingers to the bone for them (the little one once told me that " you were never around Dad.") I was around when she fell off that bike. A jquarter of a century has past and I've not seen or heard from either. When one learns to live like that, it's amazing how distant, how objective, how lonely you can live. I applied for a business loan last year, on it, they asked if I had children. Without thinking, I marked Zero.
