Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hi Profile Big Bucks Resorts ....The end??

I met a Controller, Auditor....from New York in town to re-work the books of one of the country's big high finance high dollar resorts of this town here in Arizona.
    When we talked, quietly in a corner over a coke, I explained my background now retired, in his business.
     " things are tough - all over, " he said. The economy has hit everyone hard. Occupancies and revenue are tough to come by.
     Sitting in the B-17 Museum here in Tucson, I meet a wide variety of people from across the nation and the world and engage in deep conversations of intense interest.
     It's always the people who work the numbers who tell you the truth. Management will never tell you. They lie. They always lie. When revenues are down, he said, they always fire the sales staffs, then the move up  to Marketing, then advertising, and lastly - front desk clerks
     Any idiot can sit on his wallet.
     All the high end resorts in this town  are in rough shape, he said.
     This we know, I told him. Our wonderful newspaper is covering the story pretty thoroughly.

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