Friday, January 20, 2012

Hotel Sales, Marketing and Hotel General Manager - My Regrets

I was thinking - again - as I passed through a lobby of a Tucson hotel, would I ever go back?
    Probably not. probably never...maybe. I am of the age where my fingers would never go back to the fire, wobbling or not as Rudyard Kippling once quoted in Gods of the Copybook Headings once quoth.
    I've learned my lesson, the hotel biz is not a career for the long run in any sense something for your life's work. It is a job, albeit a fascinating one. Sometimes, others characters it akin to slave labor, full of booze, sex, intrigue, illegalities, civil lawsuits, hostile work get the idea and other unpleasantness, but nay thee less, NOT something compared to the business as it practiced in Switzerland, the world's BEST innkeepers. My advice: avoid all management companies, if you can.
   The one saving grace of the business here in America was that I got to rub elbows, meet, converse with, become pen-pals with very famous, and influential public figures.
   From Philadelphia, Tulsa, Tucson, Oregon, and other locations around America, while operating sales and management positions in various hotels and resorts for a number of employers I have met and become friends and/or acquaintances with: -
  John Wayne, Betty White, Gene Cernan (Astronaut), the last Astronaut on the Moon, French Movie Director Claude LeLouche, Nixon's Secretary Rosemary Woods, Dallas's JR Ewing - Larry Hagman, VP Al Gore, Pres Clinton, VP Hubert Humphrey, Charleton Heston, Col Oliver North, George Gordon Liddy, William Kleindeinst, Alexander Haig, Baseball legend Johnny Mize, Pope John Paul (on Colfax Avenue in Denver), and various other movie actors too numerous to name who have drifted into the mists at this hour.
   The question dogs me: has this improved my character, because the career did not, either my character or my financial status. Hotels generally will not provide stability for job growth or finances. My advice is to avoid management companies only in dire circumstances - eating being one of them. They are a good source of employment only if you have the heart of an alligator. Otherwise I suggest you will not be successful.
   Consider the source, please.

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