Monday, March 28, 2011

In the Hotel Sales Business, Everybody needs a "Rabbi" think you want to be in "Hotel Sales" do you? There is an old expression in the biz world, everybody needs a Rabbi. Some call it a mentor, some a big brother, back in " the day," we used to call it a go-to guy or girl who knew us inside out. Knew us..everything about us, better than our wives, husbands (almost), the problems in the office, personalities, politics, ugh!
    I'm telling you, IF you want to get into hotel sales, you had better gear-up.
Because in the hotel sales office, no matter how big and small politics is there,
get used to it.
    This column, blog, scandal sheet, whatever you want to call it, consider it, rely on it - is from me - I've been there, suffered the slings and arrows, got the experience, know the dark alleys, carried the guns and knives, fought my way through it.
    Why now, you ask?
    The average hotel is the only modern day existant of the fuedal system I can think of - The General Manager (mangler, I used to call him/her) that I can think of: his rule is law. Forget fair. What he says is law. You work his farm and do his bidding. Few if anyone ever get away with anything.
    The economic crush we just came through crippled hotel sales to a degree worse than I have ever seen since I entered it in the 1960's.
    Now, for the first time, hotel GM's fired Director of Sales. Just canned them wholesale. Many hotels have just dismissed sales staffs and shut entire offices just to save money.
    Make sense? Of course not. Just recently, in the last few weeks, they have now begun to hire them back. BEWARE, the cycle has begun all over again, same tactics, same approach at drawing YOU into a no win game.
   YOU are not a winner, and will never be.
    This blog is designed to forewarn you against all the tricks, problems and pitfalls you will face, many headed your way as you begin your NEW career in the "glamorous" new adventure in HOTEL SALES.
    Be afraid. Be cautious. And...check in with me every couple of days for a new slant on what to watch out for.
    Your favorite Rabbi

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