Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Breaking into Sales in Hotels - Watch out for "Traps"

Here are the trap-doors, hidden cameras, the leaks, spies, ears that you'll never see. Beware, there are no friends.
    I am your "Rabbi" trust no other. The common mistake you make first entering a "professional" sales career in the Hotel Biz is - it isn't. Spies are everywhere. Gossip rules the day in the sales department. Trust no one. Sneeze at your desk and the bellman one hundred feet away will know to rush you a box of kleenex.
   Everyone will pump you for personal information, swear to God to keep it confidential, and spread it around to everyone on the pipeline within an hour. Trust me.
   Use this knowledge to your advantage. Don't think so? Tell your trusted "leak" a falsehood. Not a big one, a small one: your sister has crossed eyes and they are purple. Check out the feed back. I'll bet you hear about it by the end of the second day. I did.
   Trust me, I am the only one you can.
   The General Manager of a hotel is fuedal ruler of the hotel, his/her secretary, no matter how friendly, actually runs the place, and will feed all info you tell her immediately to the GM, no matter what she says or swears to you. Confidentiality be damned. Remember, there is NO such thing inside a hotel executive office.
   Human Resources, (personnel office) is not now, or ever will be your friend. My advice is to avoid them at all costs until you have a personnel matter where a lawsuit may raise it's ugly head with another employee.
   If you are considering a lawsuit, say NOTHING to HR. They are NOT your friends, consult your own personal attorney and say zero, nada, zip to ANYONE inside the hotel every at any time.
   Remember, you are playing poker with HR, and you never want to show HR your own hand.
   More later.

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