Monday, May 16, 2011

Hotels and Resorts (high end) in Tucson, Arizona

For those Hospitality Professionals desiring to get-away-from-it-all and flee to the desert in southern Arizona, fughettabout it as they say in north Jersey.
   Here in "the old Pueblo," Tucson, it is easier to count the hotels and high end resorts that are NOT in receivership or actually up for auction as I write, than are in good working financial order.
   If you get a head-hunter call waxing on about a 'tremendous' opportunity, check it out. Do "your homework" now more than ever. Especially for the super-resorts here in the north end of Tucson, high up in the hills overlooking the city.
   I don't care what they say, and neither should you. Most, at this writing are missing their mortgage payments. Most have a shadow of their former sales departments. The old trick of Director of Marketing and a Director of Sales are now doing double duty at the same salary levels. Look for 14 hour days. Ask the usual questions: last years quotas, % increases for this years. You know what to do. Productions for 2011 are bottoming out, not climbing out. In forclosure? Who wants to work in a shop being run by a bank? I've done that and it was one of the worst experiences I've had. You have to go to a bank "clerk" to voucher a petty cash check to buy envelopes, let alone advertising for a dinner promotion. Ask for $50 and they have a heart attack.
   Trust me, that is not sales, let alone marketing. Here, you will develop a first class drinking problem with the bean counters.
   If you do come here on an interview, ask to see the resumes of the troops already in house, ask for complete control of hire/fire. Bet you don't get it. IF you get full move money, you know they are serious, but remember the salary promises: $ xx,xxx per year times 9 months = what? as an old girlfriend of mine used to say. A long wait in the unemployment line.
   Most hotel companys are hiring outfits that try to bust unemployment claims these days.
   In all liklihood, if you're out, it will be on a "for cause" claim. Ah, the good old days when everybody was good hearted and honest, eh?

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