Friday, April 1, 2011

Interviewing for a NEW hotel sales position

Questions YOU should ask:
  • Who is my immediate boss?
  • How often will sales meetings take me away from my primary duties?
  • How many sales managers (that's code for representatives, you don't manage ANYONE but yourselves) have their been in this job before me in the last year?
  • What are my goals for the year?
  • What were the goals for the same period last year?
  • What was the percentage increase for the market area (all of the hotels you compete against) just this past year? That is called the "competitive set." You need to know this because last years 'goals' and this years may be as high as 33% higher, and the total of your competing hotel may only have gained 5 or 6 %. Doesn't make sense, does it. B E W A R E. Like pushing a peanut up a hill with you nose.
  • What is OUR competitive set? (five hotels, three, ten, twenty?) These are the hotels you will have to worry about.
  • Who is on your "team." These are the people you will sell with, also the people you must watch out for, some sales people will steal your accounts, lie, cheat and swindle you for credit.
  • Ask the question, does your Director of Sales DOS have a territorial assignment? (if he or she does, ask the General Manager how the DOS assigns various accounts to each sales manager. (chances are they 'cherry-pick' the best ones for themselves and throw YOU the pits)
More to come later, angels.

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